Menstrual Hygiene Sessions and Napkins Distribution
The right to manage menstrual hygiene in a dignified manner is a fundamental right for women and girls around the world. Unfortunately, menstrual hygiene remains a challenge issue specifically on prison ground. Despite provisions in Rule 5 of the UN Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners and Non-custodial Measures for Women Offenders 2010 (commonly known as the ‘Bangkok Rules’) which requires authorities to ensure facilities and materials to meet gender specific needs, the lack of basic infrastructure and provision of adequate sanitary products remains a daunting task.
Against this backdrop, the Committee for the Welfare of Prisoners collaborated with Santex (Butterfly Pakistan) to organize sessions on menstrual hygiene in the Women’s Prison Sukkur and Larkana in 2021. The sessions discuss ways to maintain menstrual hygiene in prison. In addition to awareness sessions, sanitary products, through Santex (Butterfly Pakistan) are provided to prisoners every two months to ensure hygienic management.